Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship

Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online & Application Form | Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Check Benefits & Features | Check Eligibility & All Details | 

The Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, in partnership with the Sir Ratan Tata Trust, is accepting applications for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship. Research scholars can propose social science studies for up to 3 months at the Institute. Measures will be taken to retain their existing salary, and travel costs from their home to Bangalore and back will be reimbursed twice.

This article will provide all types of information about the Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to Apply online for this Fellowship. To get complete information about this Fellowship, read this article till the end.

Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship          

Applications for the Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship are open throughout the year. Selection entails thorough scrutiny of applications, with selected scholars participating in project initiation and completion seminars. Required documents include the Application Form and adherence to stipulated Terms and Conditions, emphasizing proposals’ capacity-building nature and alignment with specified themes like Higher Education and Development Challenges. Budgets should cover project costs and fieldwork expenses.

The Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship is open to research scholars planning to conduct social science research at the Institute for a three-month duration. Benefits include attempts to reimburse travel expenses twice between their residence and Bangalore. Required documents include bio-data, proposed research details including methodology, and a budget not exceeding INR 75,000.

Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship          

Highlights of Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship 2024

The highlights of this Fellowship are as follows:- 

Name Of fellowshipInstitute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship
Launched By Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology 
ObjectiveTo support scholars and researchers in conducting high-quality research
Benefit This will foster an environment of intellectual exchange and collaboration
Applicable ToIndian Nationals
Beneficiaries Research Scholar
Mode Of TransferDBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
Payment Mechanisme-payment mechanism or PFMS
Form of BenefitFellowship Amounts
Amount of benefitVariable Rewards
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Last Date To Apply OnlineOpened for a Year
Mode of ApplicationOnline 

Objectives of Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship 2024

The primary objectives of the SRTT Visiting Fellowship are:

  • To promote research and scholarship in the field of social and economic development
  • To foster collaboration and exchange of ideas between scholars and researchers
  • To provide a platform for intellectual engagement and interdisciplinary dialogue
  • To contribute to the development of policy-relevant knowledge and solutions
  • To support the professional growth and development of fellows

Through these objectives, the fellowship aims to contribute to the understanding and improvement of social and economic conditions, both locally and globally.

Beneficiary Category

The SRTT Visiting Fellowship is open to scholars, researchers, and professionals from various backgrounds, including:

  • Academics and faculty members
  • Ph.D. students
  • Policy analysts and researchers
  • Government officials
  • NGO professionals

Applicants from all disciplines related to social and economic development are welcome to apply for the fellowship. The program encourages diversity and inclusivity, welcoming individuals from different countries, cultures, and perspectives.

Application Enrollment Last Dates

The application process for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship is open throughout the year. There are no specific enrollment last dates, allowing applicants to apply at their convenience. However, it is recommended to submit the application well in advance to ensure sufficient time for review and processing.

Selection Procedure

The selection of fellows for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship is a rigorous process that involves multiple stages:

  • Application Review: All submitted applications are carefully reviewed by a panel of experts. The review committee assesses the academic credentials, research proposal, and suitability of the applicant for the fellowship.
  • Interview: Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview, either in person or via video conferencing. The interview aims to further evaluate the candidate’s research interests, goals, and potential contribution to the fellowship program.
  • Final Selection: Based on the application review and interview performance, the final selection of fellows is made. Successful candidates are notified of their selection and provided with further instructions for the implementation of the fellowship.

The selection procedure ensures a fair and transparent process, considering the merit and potential of each applicant.

Implementation Procedure

Once selected, fellows are required to follow the implementation procedure for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship:

  • Acceptance: Selected fellows must formally accept the fellowship offer within the specified timeframe. Failure to do so may result in the offer being extended to an alternate candidate.
  • Duration: Fellows are expected to commit to a minimum duration of three months for the fellowship. The exact duration can be negotiated based on the research proposal and mutual agreement.
  • Research Plan: Fellows are required to develop a detailed research plan outlining the objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes of their project. This plan serves as a roadmap for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Access to Resources: ISEC provides fellows with access to its extensive library, research facilities, and databases. Fellows are encouraged to make full use of these resources to enhance their research and contribute to the institute’s knowledge base.
  • Progress Reports: Fellows are expected to submit regular progress reports on their research activities. These reports help track the development of the project and provide an opportunity for feedback and guidance from the supervising body.
  • Final Presentation: At the end of the fellowship, fellows are required to present their research findings and insights to the academic community at ISEC. This presentation allows for knowledge sharing, peer feedback, and dissemination of research outcomes.

The implementation procedure ensures that fellows have a structured framework to guide their research and make the most of their time at ISEC.

Supervision Body

The SRTT Visiting Fellowship is overseen by a dedicated supervision body that provides guidance and support to the fellows throughout their tenure. The supervision body consists of esteemed faculty members and researchers from ISEC, who have expertise in various areas of social and economic development. The supervision body plays a crucial role in mentoring fellows, providing feedback on their research, and facilitating their integration into the academic community at ISEC. Fellows can seek guidance and assistance from the supervision body at any stage of their fellowship.

Access to Leading Experts

One of the most valuable aspects of the fellowship is the opportunity to collaborate with leading experts in your field. Whether you are looking to fine-tune your research methodology or seek advice on a specific project, having access to experienced scholars can greatly enhance the quality of your work.

Research Support

As a fellow, you will receive dedicated research support to help you navigate the challenges of conducting impactful research. From access to state-of-the-art facilities to assistance with data analysis, the fellowship provides the resources you need to succeed.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is key to building a successful research career, and the fellowship offers ample opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. By attending conferences, workshops, and seminars, you can expand your professional network and forge lasting collaborations.

Publication Opportunities

Publishing your research is crucial for advancing your career, and the fellowship provides support and guidance on how to effectively disseminate your findings. From high-impact journals to prestigious conferences, you will have access to publication opportunities that can elevate your profile in the academic community.

Financial Assistance

Finances should never be a barrier to pursuing your research goals, which is why the fellowship offers financial assistance to cover travel, accommodation, and living expenses during your stay. This support allows you to focus on your research without the burden of financial worries.

Access to Resources

The fellowship provides access to a wide range of resources, including libraries, archives, and online databases, to support your research endeavors. Whether you need rare books or cutting-edge technology, ISEC has you covered.

Collaborative Environment

Research thrives in a collaborative environment, and the fellowship fosters a culture of knowledge sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration. By working alongside fellow scholars from diverse backgrounds, you can gain fresh perspectives and engage in stimulating discussions.

Professional Development

In addition to advancing your research skills, the fellowship offers opportunities for professional development, such as workshops on academic writing, grant writing, and presentation skills. These resources are designed to help you grow as a researcher and academic.

Cultural Exchange

Immersing yourself in a new culture is not only enriching but can also broaden your research perspectives. The fellowship encourages cultural exchange through social events, language classes, and community engagement activities.


Research can be unpredictable, which is why the fellowship offers flexibility in terms of duration and scope of research projects. Whether you need to extend your stay or modify your research plan, ISEC is accommodating to your needs.

Career Growth

The skills and experiences you gain during the fellowship can significantly enhance your career prospects, whether in academia, research institutions, or private sector organizations. Employers value the international exposure and research expertise gained through prestigious fellowships like the fellowship.


Being affiliated with a renowned institution like ISEC enhances your professional credibility and opens doors to new opportunities. The fellowship provides a stamp of approval that can boost your reputation in the academic community.

Feedback and Mentorship

Receiving constructive feedback and mentorship is essential for growth as a researcher, and the fellowship provides access to experienced mentors who can guide you through your research journey. From project guidance to career advice, you will have the support you need to succeed.

Global Exposure

Engaging in research at an international level offers exposure to different research methodologies, perspectives, and approaches. The fellowship provides a platform for you to showcase your work on a global stage and receive feedback from experts worldwide.

Impactful Research

Ultimately, the goal of the fellowship is to support impactful research that addresses pressing social and economic challenges. By leveraging the resources and opportunities provided through the fellowship, you can contribute to positive change in your field and make a lasting impact on society.

Fellowship Duration

The fellowship typically lasts for a period of 6 to 12 months. During this time, fellows have the opportunity to conduct research, collaborate with other scholars, and participate in seminars and workshops.

International Applicants

The fellowship program is open to both domestic and international applicants. Researchers from around the world are encouraged to apply and bring their unique perspectives to the Institute for Social and Economic Change.

Research Topic Restrictions

While there are no specific restrictions on research topics, the fellowship is best suited for researchers working in the fields of social and economic change. Applicants are encouraged to align their research proposals with the institute’s areas of expertise.

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the fellowship program varies each year. It is important to check the institute’s website for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and requirements.


Fellows selected for the program will receive a stipend to cover living expenses during their stay at the institute. The amount of the stipend varies depending on the duration of the fellowship and the fellow’s qualifications.

Multiple Fellowship Applications

Applicants are allowed to submit multiple fellowship applications, but each application must be unique and tailored to a specific research proposal.

Collaborative Research Projects

Fellows are encouraged to participate in collaborative research projects with other scholars at the Institute for Social and Economic Change. This provides an opportunity for interdisciplinary research and knowledge sharing.

Prior Research Experience

While prior research experience is not a strict requirement for the fellowship program, applicants with a strong research background are more likely to be selected. The selection committee looks for candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence and innovation.

Research Findings Presentation

At the end of the fellowship period, fellows are required to present their research findings to the institute’s faculty and staff. This provides an opportunity for fellows to receive feedback and engage in scholarly discussions.

Housing Arrangements

The institute provides housing accommodations for visiting fellows during their stay. Housing options vary depending on availability and the fellow’s preferences.

PhD Enrollment Eligibility

Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field to be eligible for the fellowship program. PhD enrollment is not a strict requirement, but applicants with a strong academic background are preferred.

Age Limit

There is no strict age limit for the fellowship program, but applicants are typically early to mid-career researchers looking to further their studies in the field of social and economic change.

Selection Criteria

The selection committee evaluates applicants based on their research proposals, academic background, and potential for contributing to the institute’s scholarly community. Strong communication skills and a passion for research are also highly valued.

Indian Language Requirement

While proficiency in Indian languages is not a strict requirement, fellows are encouraged to learn and engage with local languages during their stay to enhance their research experience and cultural understanding.

Fellowship Extension

In some cases, fellows may be eligible for a fellowship extension beyond the initial duration. This decision is made by the institute’s selection committee based on the fellow’s research progress and contributions to the scholarly community.

Key Guidelines for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship

Here are ten key guidelines that fellows should keep in mind during their participation in the SRTT Visiting Fellowship:

  • Adhere to the ethical standards of research and academic integrity
  • Respect the intellectual property rights of others
  • Engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary research
  • Contribute to the intellectual community at ISEC through active participation in seminars, workshops, and discussions
  • Maintain regular communication with the supervision body and provide updates on the progress of the research
  • Acknowledge the support received from ISEC in any publications or presentations resulting from the fellowship
  • Respect the cultural diversity and inclusivity of the institute
  • Follow the rules and regulations of ISEC during the fellowship period
  • Maintain confidentiality and privacy of any sensitive information or data obtained during the fellowship
  • Contribute to the dissemination of research outcomes through publications, presentations, and knowledge sharing platforms

Important Instructions for the SRTT Visiting Fellowship

Here are ten important instructions that fellows should be aware of before and during their participation in the SRTT Visiting Fellowship:

  • Read and understand the fellowship guidelines and requirements thoroughly before applying
  • Prepare a well-structured research proposal that aligns with the objectives of the fellowship
  • Ensure that all required documents and supporting materials are submitted along with the application
  • Check the eligibility criteria and ensure that you meet the necessary qualifications
  • Submit the application well in advance to allow for sufficient review and processing time
  • Be prepared for the possibility of an interview and ensure availability during the specified timeframe
  • Respond promptly to any communication from the fellowship committee or supervision body
  • Adhere to the timelines and deadlines provided by ISEC for various fellowship activities
  • Seek clarification or assistance from the fellowship committee if you have any doubts or concerns
  • Make the most of the resources and opportunities available at ISEC to enhance your research and professional growth

Tips and Tricks for a Successful SRTT Visiting Fellowship

Here are ten tips and tricks to maximize your experience and make the most of your SRTT Visiting Fellowship:

  • Engage in networking and collaboration with fellow scholars and researchers at ISEC
  • Attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to broaden your knowledge and stay updated on the latest developments in your field
  • Seek feedback and guidance from the supervision body to enhance the quality and impact of your research
  • Explore the local culture and community to gain a holistic understanding of the social and economic context
  • Take advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of ISEC to explore new perspectives and approaches in your research
  • Establish connections with local organizations and stakeholders to gather insights and data for your research
  • Collaborate with other fellows or researchers on complementary projects to foster cross-disciplinary learning and collaboration
  • Engage with the broader academic community by presenting your research at conferences or publishing in reputable journals
  • Balance your research work with self-care and personal well-being to maintain productivity and motivation
  • Reflect on your fellowship experience and identify opportunities for future collaborations or research projects

General Points to Remember

Here are ten general points to remember during your SRTT Visiting Fellowship:

  • Be open to new ideas and perspectives
  • Embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with research
  • Stay organized and manage your time effectively
  • Seek feedback and support when needed
  • Stay updated on the latest research and policy developments in your field
  • Build relationships and networks with fellow researchers
  • Document your research process and findings systematically
  • Celebrate small milestones and achievements
  • Take breaks and recharge when necessary
  • Enjoy the journey and make the most of the fellowship experience

Benefits & Features Of Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship

The benefits and features of this fellowship are as follows:-

  • Access to Leading Experts: Fellows will have the opportunity to interact with leading experts in the field of social and economic change, gaining valuable insights and feedback on their research projects.
  • Research Support: Fellows will receive support and guidance throughout the research process, from developing research questions to publishing their findings.
  • Networking Opportunities: The fellowship program provides ample networking opportunities, allowing fellows to connect with other scholars and professionals in the field.
  • Publication Opportunities: Fellows will have the chance to publish their research findings in reputed journals and publications.
  • Financial Assistance: The fellowship provides financial assistance to cover research-related expenses, including travel and accommodation.
  • Access to Resources: Fellows will have access to the institute’s library, archives, and research facilities, enhancing their research capabilities.
  • Collaborative Environment: The fellowship program fosters a collaborative and supportive environment, where fellows can exchange ideas and collaborate on research projects.
  • Professional Development: Fellows will have access to workshops and seminars designed to enhance their research and professional skills.
  • Cultural Exchange: The fellowship program provides an opportunity for cultural exchange, allowing fellows to experience the rich cultural heritage of India.
  • Flexibility: The fellowship program offers flexibility in terms of research topics, allowing fellows to pursue their research interests.
  • Career Growth: The fellowship program can enhance fellows’ career prospects by providing valuable research experience and opportunities for professional growth.
  • Recognition: Fellows will be recognized for their research contributions through publications and presentations.
  • Feedback and Mentorship: Fellows will receive constructive feedback and mentorship from experienced researchers and scholars.
  • Global Exposure: The fellowship program provides fellows with exposure to global research trends and perspectives.
  • Impactful Research: Fellows will have the opportunity to conduct research that makes a meaningful impact on social and economic development initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria For Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship

To be eligible for the ISEC SRTT Visiting Fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a PhD or equivalent degree in a relevant field.
  • Have a demonstrated research interest in social and economic development.
  • Possess strong analytical and research skills.
  • Submit a detailed research proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, and potential impact of the research project.
  • Provide letters of recommendation from academic or professional referees.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in English, the language of instruction.

Documents Required

Applicants must submit the following documents along with their application:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Research Proposal
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Writing Samples

Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online 2024

To Apply online, follow the below-mentioned points:-

  • Visit the Official Website of Buddy4Study.
Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online 2024
  • The homepage will be displayed.
  • Search for this scholarship name.
Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online 2024
  • The scholarship will be displayed and then click on the View Scholarship button.
Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online 2024
  • A new page will be displayed.
  • Read the details.
  • Click on “Apply Now” on the homepage.
  • A Popup Menu will be displayed.
  • Click on the Register Link.
Institute for Social and Economic Change SRTT Visiting Fellowship Apply Online 2024
  • Fill out the registration form with all required details.
  • Attach necessary documents.
  • Click on the “Submit” button to complete the application process.

Top 15 FAQs

  • How long is the fellowship duration?
    The fellowship duration is typically 3 to 6 months, depending on the research project.
  • Is the fellowship open to international applicants?
    Yes, the fellowship is open to international applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Are there any restrictions on research topics?
    There are no restrictions on research topics, as long as they fall within the field of social and economic development.
  • What is the application deadline for the fellowship?
    The application deadline varies each year. Interested applicants should check the institute’s website for updated information.
  • Is there a stipend provided to fellows?
    Yes, fellows receive a stipend to cover living expenses during the fellowship period.
  • Can I apply for multiple fellowships at the same time?
    Yes, applicants can apply for multiple fellowships, but must clearly indicate their preference in their application.
  • Are there opportunities for collaborative research projects?
    Yes, fellows have the opportunity to collaborate on research projects with other scholars at the institute.
  • Do I need to have prior research experience to apply?
    While prior research experience is preferred, it is not a strict requirement for applying to the fellowship.
  • Are there opportunities for presenting research findings?
    Yes, fellows have the opportunity to present their research findings at seminars and conferences.
  • Is there housing provided for fellows during the fellowship period?
    The institute can assist fellows in finding suitable accommodation, but housing is not provided by the fellowship program.
  • Can I apply for the fellowship if I am currently enrolled in a PhD program?
    Yes, applicants who are currently enrolled in a PhD program are eligible to apply for the fellowship.
  • Is there an age limit for applying to the fellowship?
    There is no strict age limit for applying to the fellowship, as long as applicants meet the eligibility criteria.
  • What are the selection criteria for the fellowship?
    Applicants are selected based on their academic background, research proposal, letters of recommendation, and potential impact of their research project.
  • Is knowledge of Indian languages required for the fellowship?
    While knowledge of Indian languages is not required, it can be beneficial for fellows conducting research in specific regions.
  • Can I extend my fellowship duration if needed?
    Fellowship extensions are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the progress of the research project and availability of funding.

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