Long Term Fellowships, EMBO 2024: Deadline

Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online & Application Form | Check Beneficiary Category & Last Date | Check Benefits & Features | Check Eligibility & All Details | 

EMBO provides Long Term Fellowships to PhD holders for up to two years, facilitating post-doctoral research visits globally. Successful applicants receive a stipend and other allowances. If in-person or video interviews are not possible, written evaluations are conducted. The Fellowship Committee meets to determine funding. Applicants are notified of results within 14-16 weeks after the evaluation deadline.

This article will provide all types of information about the Long Term Fellowships EMBO 2024 like purpose, Eligibility Criteria, Benefits, Features, important documents, etc. We will also share the process to Apply online for this fellowship. To get complete information about this fellowship, read this article till the end.

Long Term Fellowships, EMBO          

For eligibility for the fellowship, candidates must hold a doctorate or equivalent degree at the commencement of the fellowship. They should have at least one first author publication in an international peer-reviewed journal. Movement between countries during PhD study is necessary. Candidates with a PhD obtained within two years of application or less than six months’ work in the host laboratory are eligible.

Eligible applications undergo pre-screening by the fellowship committee. Twice the available fellowships are selected for interview. Successful candidates proceed to personal or video interviews with expert interviewers from EMBO Members and Young Investigators. Benefits include stipends for living costs, dependent child and childcare allowances, travel allowances, parental leave, part-time work options, access to EMBO fellow meetings and leadership courses, and private pension schemes.

Long Term Fellowships, EMBO: Deadline

Highlights of Long Term Fellowships, EMBO 2024

The highlights of this fellowship are as follows:- 

Name Of ScholarshipLong Term Fellowships EMBO
Launched By EMBO 
Delegated MinistryMinistry of Electronics & Information Technology 
ObjectiveTo enable young scientists to enhance their research skills and expertise
Benefit This will foster international collaborations and promote diversity in the scientific community
Applicable ToInternational Students
Beneficiaries PhD degree holders
Mode Of TransferDBT (Direct Benefit Transfer)
Payment Mechanisme-payment mechanism or PFMS
Form of BenefitFellowship Amounts
Amount of benefitStipend, Dependent child allowance, Childcare allowance, Travel allowance, Parental leave, Part-time work opportunities, EMBO fellow meetings and laboratory leadership courses, Private pension schemes
Hosting SiteNational Information Center (NIC)
Last Date To Apply OnlineOpened for a Year
Mode of ApplicationOnline 
Official Websitewww.buddy4study.com

Objectives of Long Term Fellowships, EMBO 2024

The primary objective of EMBO Long-Term Fellowships is to support talented early-career scientists in their pursuit of innovative and cutting-edge research projects in the field of molecular biology. These fellowships aim to provide researchers with the necessary resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to enhance their scientific skills and knowledge.

By offering financial support and access to world-class research facilities, EMBO Long-Term Fellowships enable fellows to conduct independent research projects or to contribute to ongoing research in renowned laboratories. The program encourages interdisciplinary collaborations and fosters the exchange of ideas and expertise among scientists from different backgrounds.

Beneficiary Category

EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are open to researchers who hold a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time research experience. The fellowships are available to applicants from all nationalities, and there are no age restrictions. The program is designed to support scientists at an early stage of their career, providing them with the opportunity to establish themselves as independent researchers.

Application Enrollment and Deadlines

The application process for EMBO Long-Term Fellowships is highly competitive and consists of several stages. The exact deadlines may vary each year, so it is crucial to check the EMBO website for the most up-to-date information. Generally, there are two application rounds per year, with deadlines falling in early March and early August. Applicants are required to submit a detailed research proposal outlining their project objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. Additionally, they need to provide their academic and research background, including a list of publications, if applicable. Letters of recommendation from senior scientists familiar with the applicant’s work are also required.

Selection Procedure

The selection of EMBO Long-Term Fellows is based on a rigorous evaluation process carried out by a panel of experts in the field of molecular biology. The evaluation criteria include the scientific quality and originality of the research proposal, the applicant’s track record, and the suitability of the chosen host laboratory. Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview, either in person or via video conference, where they will have the opportunity to present their research proposal and discuss their scientific goals. The final selection is made based on the overall excellence of the candidate and the potential impact of their research project.

Implementation Procedure

Once selected, EMBO Long-Term Fellows are expected to commence their research project within six months of receiving the fellowship offer. The duration of the fellowship can range from one to two years, depending on the research plan and the availability of funding. Fellows have the flexibility to choose their host laboratory within Europe, provided that it offers an excellent research environment and expertise relevant to their project. EMBO encourages fellows to explore collaborations and interdisciplinary research opportunities during their tenure.

Supervision Body

EMBO Long-Term Fellows are expected to have a primary supervisor who will provide guidance and support throughout the duration of the fellowship. The supervisor should be an established scientist with expertise in the relevant field of research. In addition to the primary supervisor, EMBO encourages fellows to seek input from other experts in their field and to engage in scientific discussions and collaborations. The supervision body plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful implementation of the research project and the professional development of the fellow.

Key Guidelines for Applicants

The key guidelines are as follows:-

  • Clearly define the objectives and significance of your research project.
  • Choose a host laboratory that aligns with your research interests and offers the necessary resources.
  • Provide a well-structured and concise research proposal.
  • Highlight your previous research experience and achievements.
  • Obtain strong letters of recommendation from senior scientists.
  • Demonstrate your ability to work independently and collaboratively.
  • Consider the feasibility and timeline of your research project.
  • Ensure that your application materials are complete and submitted on time.
  • Prepare for the interview by practicing your presentation and addressing potential questions.
  • Be prepared to adapt your research plan based on feedback from the selection committee.

Important Instructions for Applicants

Some important instructions are as follows:-

  • Read the application guidelines thoroughly before starting your application.
  • Follow the specified format for all application documents.
  • Double-check your application for any errors or omissions.
  • Ensure that your research proposal is scientifically rigorous and feasible.
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date contact information.
  • Submit your application well in advance of the deadline to avoid any technical issues.
  • Keep a copy of your submitted application for future reference.
  • Notify your referees well in advance and provide them with the necessary information.
  • Respond promptly to any communication from the EMBO Fellowship Office.
  • Be prepared to provide additional documentation or clarifications if requested.

Tips and Tricks for a Successful Application

Some tips and tricks are as follows:-

  • Start early and allow ample time for brainstorming, research, and writing.
  • Seek feedback from mentors, colleagues, or experienced researchers.
  • Tailor your application to the specific research interests of the host laboratory.
  • Emphasize the potential impact and novelty of your research project.
  • Highlight any relevant collaborations or interdisciplinary experiences.
  • Demonstrate your enthusiasm and passion for your research field.
  • Showcase your ability to adapt to new environments and work in diverse teams.
  • Proofread your application thoroughly for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors.
  • Use clear and concise language to convey your ideas effectively.
  • Be confident in presenting your research proposal during the interview.

General Points to Remember

Some general points to remember are as follows:-

  • EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are highly competitive, so it is essential to submit a strong and well-prepared application.
  • Take advantage of the resources and support available through the EMBO Fellowship Office.
  • Network with other researchers and attend scientific conferences to stay updated on the latest advancements in your field.
  • Consider the long-term career implications of your research project and how it aligns with your professional goals.
  • Be open to feedback and constructive criticism throughout the application and selection process.
  • Even if not selected for a fellowship, the application process itself can be a valuable learning experience.
  • Continue to pursue your research interests and seek other funding opportunities if needed.
  • Remember that perseverance and dedication are key qualities in a successful scientific career.
  • Stay motivated and passionate about your research, regardless of the outcome of your application.
  • Celebrate your achievements and learn from any setbacks along the way.

Research Collaboration Opportunity

One of the key highlights of fellowship is the unparalleled opportunity for research collaboration. Fellows have the chance to work alongside leading scientists and researchers from around the world, fostering collaborations that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various fields of biology.

Access to State-of-the-Art Facilities

EMBO fellows have access to state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies, providing them with the essential tools and resources to conduct high-quality research. From advanced microscopy to genomics and bioinformatics, fellows can leverage these facilities to drive their research projects to new heights.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is an essential aspect of any scientific career, and fellowships offer a vibrant and diverse community of researchers to connect with. Fellows have the chance to attend conferences, workshops, and seminars, where they can expand their professional network and forge lasting collaborations with like-minded individuals.

Professional Development

In addition to hands-on research experience, fellowships also prioritize professional development. Fellows have access to a range of training programs and workshops aimed at enhancing their research skills, project management, and communication abilities. These opportunities prepare fellows for successful careers in academia, industry, or other scientific domains.

Publication Support

Publishing research findings is crucial for advancing scientific knowledge and establishing credibility in the research community. EMBO provides publication support for fellows, guiding them through the process of manuscript preparation, submission, and peer review. This invaluable assistance helps fellows disseminate their research findings to a wider audience and gain recognition for their work.

Financial Support

Finances can often be a barrier to pursuing research opportunities, but fellowships offer financial support to cover living expenses, research materials, travel costs, and other essential needs. This financial backing allows fellows to focus on their research projects without the burden of financial constraints.

Flexible Duration

Another advantage of fellowship is the flexibility in the duration of the fellowship. Fellows can choose from various timelines, ranging from several months to several years, depending on the nature and scope of their research projects. This flexibility accommodates different research goals and timelines, ensuring that fellows can make the most of their fellowship experience.

Interdisciplinary Research Environment

The field of biology is rapidly evolving, with breakthroughs often occurring at the intersection of various disciplines. EMBO fosters an interdisciplinary research environment where fellows from different scientific backgrounds can collaborate, share ideas, and explore new research frontiers. This diverse and dynamic setting encourages innovation and creativity, leading to novel research discoveries.

International Exposure

fellowship offer fellows the chance to conduct research in an international setting, exposing them to different scientific cultures, perspectives, and approaches. This global exposure enriches fellows’ research experience, broadens their horizons, and prepares them to navigate the increasingly collaborative and interconnected world of scientific research.


Mentorship is a cornerstone of the EMBO fellowship program, providing fellows with guidance, support, and expertise from experienced researchers and scientists. Mentors help fellows navigate challenges, provide feedback on research projects, and offer career advice and guidance. This mentorship relationship is instrumental in shaping fellows’ research trajectories and professional development.

Career Opportunities

fellowship open doors to a myriad of career opportunities in academia, industry, research institutions, and beyond. The prestigious reputation of EMBO and its network of alumni and collaborators create a strong foundation for fellows to pursue rewarding and fulfilling career paths post-fellowship. Whether it’s securing a faculty position, launching a startup, or embarking on a scientific consultancy career, EMBO fellows are well-equipped to excel in diverse professional domains.

Project Independence

Independence and autonomy in research are crucial for fostering creativity, innovation, and scientific discovery. fellowship emphasize project independence, giving fellows the freedom to design and execute their research projects according to their interests, goals, and vision. This independence fosters a sense of ownership and accountability, empowering fellows to take charge of their research journey and make meaningful contributions to the scientific community.

Community Engagement

EMBO fellows are part of a vibrant and supportive scientific community, where they can engage with peers, mentors, collaborators, and experts in various disciplines. Community engagement activities such as seminars, workshops, and social events cultivate a sense of belonging and camaraderie among fellows, creating a conducive environment for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and personal growth.

Access to Library Resources

A strong research foundation is built on access to comprehensive and up-to-date library resources. EMBO provides fellows with access to a wealth of scientific journals, databases, and research publications, enabling them to stay abreast of the latest research trends, breakthroughs, and developments in their respective fields. This access to library resources enriches fellows’ research experience and equips them with the necessary information and knowledge to excel in their research endeavours.

Recognition and Awards

Last but not least, fellowships offer recognition and awards for outstanding research contributions and achievements. Fellows have the opportunity to showcase their research findings at international conferences, symposiums, and EMBO events, gaining visibility and recognition within the scientific community. Additionally, EMBO awards prestigious accolades and honors to fellows who demonstrate excellence, innovation, and impact in their research endeavours, further elevating their scientific profiles and career trajectories.

Coverage of Tuition Fees

fellowship cover tuition fees for academic programs or research projects at accredited institutions. This financial support alleviates the financial burden on fellows, allowing them to focus on their research and academic pursuits without worrying about funding.

Living Allowance

Fellows receive a living allowance to cover their day-to-day expenses, including accommodation, food, and other necessities. This allowance ensures that fellows can maintain a decent standard of living while pursuing their research goals.

Health Insurance

EMBO provides health insurance coverage for fellows during the duration of their fellowship. This ensures that fellows have access to essential healthcare services and medical treatments, giving them peace of mind in case of illness or injury.

Travel Allowance

Fellows are eligible for a travel allowance to attend conferences, workshops, and other scientific events related to their research. This allowance facilitates academic exchange and collaboration, allowing fellows to share their work with the scientific community and stay updated on the latest developments in their field.

Additional Benefits

In addition to financial support and resources, fellowship offer a range of additional benefits, such as access to state-of-the-art research facilities, mentorship from experienced scientists, and networking opportunities with peers and experts in the field. These benefits contribute to the overall professional development of fellows and help them succeed in their scientific careers.

Application Requirements

To apply for an EMBO long-term fellowship, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as holding a relevant academic degree, having a strong research background, and demonstrating a clear research plan for the fellowship period. Candidates are also required to submit a comprehensive application package, including a research proposal, letters of recommendation, and academic transcripts.

Submission Deadlines

EMBO has set specific deadlines for submitting fellowship applications, which are typically announced on the organization’s website. It is important for candidates to adhere to these deadlines to ensure that their applications are considered for review.

Application Procedure

The application process for an EMBO long-term fellowship involves submitting an online application form, along with the required supporting documents. Candidates may also be required to participate in interviews or presentations as part of the selection process.

Selection Criteria

Fellowship candidates are evaluated based on a set of criteria, which may include their academic performance, research experience, potential for scientific advancement, and alignment with EMBO’s values and goals. Successful candidates are selected based on their overall qualifications and potential to make significant contributions to the scientific community.

Academic Performance Requirements

EMBO long-term fellowship applicants are expected to have a strong academic background, including a record of high academic achievement and excellence in their field of study. Demonstrating a commitment to scientific research and innovation is also essential for successful candidates.

Reporting Requirements

During the fellowship period, fellows are required to submit regular progress reports to EMBO, detailing their research activities, findings, and challenges. This reporting system helps EMBO monitor the progress of fellows and provide support and guidance when needed.

Compliance with Visa Regulations

Fellows are responsible for ensuring that they comply with visa regulations and other legal requirements related to their stay in the host country. EMBO provides assistance and guidance to fellows in obtaining the necessary visas and permits for the duration of their fellowship.

Participation in University Activities

Fellows are encouraged to participate in university activities, such as seminars, workshops, and conferences, to enhance their academic experience and build their professional network. Engaging with the academic community allows fellows to share their research and ideas, receive feedback, and collaborate with peers and experts in their field.

Renewal Criteria

Fellows may have the opportunity to renew their fellowship for an additional period, subject to certain criteria and conditions set by EMBO. Renewal criteria may include demonstrating satisfactory progress in research, meeting reporting requirements, and securing academic support from the host institution.

Circumstances Leading to Termination

Fellowships may be terminated in certain circumstances, such as failure to meet academic or research obligations, violation of EMBO’s code of conduct, or ethical misconduct. EMBO reserves the right to terminate a fellowship if the fellow’s actions or behavior are deemed detrimental to the organization’s values and reputation.

Summary of Benefits and Opportunities

fellowship offer a wide range of benefits and opportunities for early-career scientists, including financial support, access to research facilities, mentorship, networking opportunities, and professional development resources. By participating in an EMBO fellowship, fellows can advance their scientific careers, expand their knowledge, and contribute to the advancement of science and research.

Encouragement for Prospective Applicants

For aspiring scientists and researchers, applying for an EMBO long-term fellowship can be a life-changing opportunity to pursue their research interests, develop their skills, and achieve their academic goals. By meeting the application requirements, demonstrating their potential, and showcasing their passion for science, candidates can position themselves as strong contenders for an EMBO fellowship and embark on a rewarding and fulfilling journey in the field of molecular biology. 

Benefits and Features of EMBO Long Term Fellowships

The benefits & features of this fellowship are as follows:-

  • Financial Support: Receive a generous stipend to cover living expenses during your fellowship.
  • Career Development: Gain valuable experience and expand your research network.
  • International Exposure: Collaborate with top researchers around the world.
  • Cutting-Edge Research: Work on innovative projects in renowned laboratories.
  • Training Opportunities: Attend workshops and conferences to enhance your skills.
  • Peer Support: Connect with fellow fellows for support and collaboration.
  • Mentorship: Receive guidance from experienced scientists in your field.
  • Publication Opportunities: Publish your research in leading scientific journals.
  • Travel Grants: Access funding to attend scientific events and present your work.
  • Networking: Build relationships with experts in your field for future collaborations.
  • Academic Resources: Utilize libraries, databases, and other research facilities.
  • Career Guidance: Receive advice on career paths and opportunities post-fellowship.
  • Community Engagement: Participate in outreach activities to engage with the public.
  • Personal Growth: Develop leadership and communication skills.
  • Recognition: Enhance your reputation in the scientific community with an EMBO fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria for EMBO Long Term Fellowships

To apply for an EMBO Long Term Fellowship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a PhD in a relevant field.
  • Have a proven track record of research excellence.
  • Be affiliated with a research institution in an EMBC Member State.
  • Commit to full-time research during the fellowship period.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in English (the language of science).

Required Documents 

When applying for an EMBO Long Term Fellowship, applicants must submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) highlighting research experience and publications.
  • Research Proposal outlining the project objectives and methodology.
  • Letters of Recommendation from academic referees.
  • Academic Transcripts detailing educational qualifications.
  • Proof of English Proficiency (e.g., TOEFL or IELTS score).

Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online 2024

To Apply online, follow the below-mentioned points:-

  • Visit the Official Website of Buddy4Study.
Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online 2024
  • The homepage will be displayed.
  • Search for this scholarship name.
Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online 2024
  • The scholarship will be displayed and then click on the View Scholarship button.
Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online 2024
  • A new page will be displayed.
  • Read the details.
  • Click on “Apply Now” on the homepage.
  • A Popup Menu will be displayed.
  • Click on the Register Link.
Long Term Fellowships EMBO Apply Online 2024
  • Fill out the registration form with all required details.
  • Attach necessary documents.
  • Click on the “Submit” button to complete the application process.

Top 15 FAQs about EMBO Long Term Fellowships

  • How do I apply for an EMBO Long Term Fellowship?
    To apply for an EMBO Long Term Fellowship, visit the EMBO website and follow the application instructions.
  • What is the duration of an EMBO Long Term Fellowship?
    EMBO Long Term Fellowships typically last for a period of 12 to 36 months.
  • Can I apply for multiple EMBO Long Term Fellowships?
    No, applicants can only apply for one EMBO Long Term Fellowship at a time.
  • Are EMBO Long Term Fellowships open to international students?
    Yes, EMBO Long Term Fellowships are open to applicants from all countries.
  • Do I need to have a host lab to apply for an EMBO Long Term Fellowship?
    Yes, candidates must have a confirmed host lab for their research project.
  • Is there an age limit for applying to EMBO Long Term Fellowships?
    No, there is no age limit for applicants to EMBO Long Term Fellowships.
  • What is the stipend amount for EMBO Long Term Fellowships?
    The stipend amount for EMBO Long Term Fellowships varies based on the host country’s cost of living.
  • Can I extend my EMBO Long Term Fellowship beyond the initial period?
    Extensions may be possible under exceptional circumstances, subject to approval from EMBO.
  • Are EMBO Long Term Fellowships renewable?
    No, EMBO Long Term Fellowships are not typically renewable.
  • How soon will I be notified of the outcome of my EMBO Long Term Fellowship application?
    Applicants can expect to receive notification of the decision within a few months of the application deadline.
  • Is there a specific deadline for EMBO Long Term Fellowship applications?
    Yes, EMBO Long Term Fellowship applications have specific deadlines that can be found on the EMBO website.
  • Are there any restrictions on the research topics eligible for EMBO Long Term Fellowships?
    EMBO Long Term Fellowships are open to all areas of life sciences research.
  • Can I submit additional supporting documents with my EMBO Long Term Fellowship application?
    Additional documents may be submitted if they provide relevant information about the applicant’s research background.
  • Will EMBO Long Term Fellowships cover relocation expenses?
    EMBO Long Term Fellowships do not typically cover relocation expenses, but travel grants may be available.
  • What are the selection criteria for EMBO Long Term Fellowships?
    Selection criteria include research excellence, project feasibility, and the potential impact of the research on the scientific community.

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